we are


We create green urban spaces for
fresh, locally-grown food
and experiences in nature.

Our Services


Regenerative organic farming in urban lands

Green urban spaces to grow organic produce and offer venues for events. We offer turn-key farm services including design, engineering, plantation and maintenance.


Chemical-free, nutritional and freshly harvested food

Fresh, nutritious, chemical-free, and locally grown produce at affordable prices to our customers while ensuring returns for our farm owners and fair wages to our workers.


Innovative Learning Modules for hands-on integrated learning

Learner-centric, innovative hands-on modules like nature camps, sustainability clubs, and farm-to-school activities that encourage real-world connection.


Curated nature experiences for children, adults, and families like farm days, picnics, foraging, farm-to-table dining, storytelling and wellness activities.

About Us
Engineers. Educators. Scientists.
Business Heads.

We are graduates of IIT Bombay, the London School of Economics and the University of Oslo. Together we bring 60 years of experience in different industries and countries. Our passion for working towards a sustainable future and our desire to settle roots in Udaipur brought us together.

The rest is a work in progress.


Whether you want to visit one of the farms, order locally-grown fresh produce,
be part of farm events or are simply curious to know more

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